Balcones National Wildlife Refuge (BNWR) is in need of volunteer assistance for their Bridges to Birding session to be held at Doeskin Ranch, Tuesday May 24 from 8:00am – 1:00pm. They need help with the following stations:
What is a Bird
Using a Field Guide
Basics of Binoculars
Bird Calls & Songs
Bird Migration
Everything needed for the station (instruction and props) will be provided. The stations should be easy for Master Naturalists to facilitate. The outline for each station can be emailed to any volunteer. You should bring water, lunch and dress appropriately for outdoor work ( including chigger off!). Texas Master Naturalist volunteer hours will be earned by participation.
If you can help, and for additional information, contact Jane Brunclik at or at 512-466-6813.
Doeskin Ranch is located on CR 1174 South of Bertram and north of FM 1431.