Fall is upon us! Time to gather and give the flower beds, trees & shrubs at Berry Springs the care and attention they need to stay healthy and attractive in the months ahead. It is also fun to fellowship with other volunteers and share a meal and a time of visiting. Volunteers are still needed and TXMN volunteer credits can be earned by participating. This is also a Saturday event which will provide an opportunity to participate for those whose jobs keep them busy during the week.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 1,2016 beginning at 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. At noon we will enjoy lunch together, with everyone’s help clean the pavilion, and continue working until 3pm.
We will gather at the Tonkawa Pavilion on top of the hill across from the restrooms. If needed, a rain date will be announced. You can register/sign up by contacting Susan Blackledge at susieblackledge@gmail.com or at 512-930-0040, or on “Sign Up Genius”. When you sign up you will be given a work area.
Bring with you a hand pruning tool, weeding tool, loppers, sharp shooter shovel or hand spade, work gloves, and a water bottle. You may not need all of these tools depending upon which area you are assigned to. We do have some tools available but may not have enough for all. Dress for the weather and working with plants.
Regarding the Pot Luck Luncheon, please sign up on “Sign Up Genius” under the food category you are bringing. If not attending the Pot Luck meal, sign up under not attending the Pot Luck category. If attending, be sure and bring serving utensils and put your name on your utensils/container. We have electricity at the pavilion for hot dishes. If you are bringing something that needs to stay cold please put it in an ice chest with ice. We will have ice for drinks. Lemonade and ice water will be provided. For questions about the Pot Luck Luncheon, or if you cannot sign up on “Sign Up Genius”, contact Jessica Woods at jessgeo15@yahoo.com or call Jessica at 512-799-7148.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Berry Springs Park & Preserve is located at 1801 CR 152 Georgetown, Texas 78626.