Monarch Watch is seeking the immediate assistance of hundreds of monarch enthusiasts (citizen scientists) in collecting observations of monarchs in their area during the spring and fall. This project is an attempt to assemble quantitative data on monarch numbers at critical times during the breeding season. The data from these observations will be used to assess their value in predicting trends in the population.
Why do we need a “monarch calendar” and your help recording monarch numbers?
for more, please visit the link below.
On VMS, report your hours under Monarch Watch: TMN Field Research Hours
There is an outstanding movie on netflix (streaming or DVD) “Flight of the Butterflies” that documents how Dr. Fred Urquhart mapped the monarch migration paths for 40 years and located their Mexican over-wintering using a very early instance of citizen science.
Watch it, get enthused and join Monarch Watch above. (No Volunteer or AT credit for watching movies.)