Prescribed fire at Alligator Prairie in Milam County
Master Naturalists have been offered an invitation to participate as assistants or observers in a prescribed fire. TPWD Billy Lambert is coordinating the event and has expressed a desire that Master Naturalists get involved. TPWD is trying to teach landowners how to burn their properties and get neighbors together to assist each other.
The start time is 9:00. There will be one liability form for everyone to sign. People will be organized into groups and each group will have tools so no need to bring any. Bring plenty of water and your lunch. The TPWD crew will be here all day mopping up but others can leave whenever the main action dies down. It goes pretty fast. By noon the main part will be done.
This burn is planned for about 40 acres of a 60 acre property. The location is 2.5 miles south of Davilla on CR 422. Wear cotton, tough not flimsy, denim jeans are ideal, sturdy leather boots, work gloves, face mask (COVID). Please observe all COVID precautions. No scarves or jewelry. Tuck in shirt tails.
No firm date has been set because weather conditions determine the best day for the burn. If you are interested in attending, please contact Nancy Webber directly.
RM: Other Location:TMN Report Hours (include location: Alligator Prairie Milam County)