Texas has the largest diversity of bats in the nation with 33 species.
The Houston area hosts 11 bat species.
Texas designated the Mexican free–tailed bat as official state flying mammal in 1995.

Mexican free-tailed bat in flight; photo by Ron Groves / EOL Learning and Education Group on Flickr (public domain image).
Bats have superior vision and are definitely not blind.
Bats give birth to live young called pups that feed on mother’s milk.
Rabid bats are exceedingly rare – one-half of 1 percent of bats carries rabies.
A bat colony will even produce antibodies to rabies resulting in immunity for up to 12 months.
The Waugh Street Bridge over Bayou Buffalo in Houston has 250,000 Brazilian free-tailed bats, also known as Mexican free-tailed bats. Free-tailed refers to a twine-shaped tail between the hind legs.
The colony devours up to 2.5-tons of insects nightly.
The best time to see them is July through September. Arrive 30 minutes before sunset.
Information: houstontx.gov/parks/bats.html