John Stacy has been selected as Volunteer of the Year 2016 by Volunteer Houston in the category of Conservation and Environment organizations! He was nominated by the Bayou Land Conservancy (BLC) and Mercer Botanic Gardens for Volunteer Houston‘s Greater Houston Service Awards and was named a finalist. He has volunteered over 1200 hours since becoming a Texas Master Naturalist in 2012 and is a member of the Heartwood Chapter.
John wears many hats with the Bayou Land Conservancy (BLC), including conservation steward, ambassador, and kayak guru. The Bayou Land Conservancy posted on their Facebook page “We’re always grateful for our awesome volunteers, but for#NationalVolunteerWeek we wanted to recognize an individual who goes above and beyond to make a positive impact with Bayou Land Conservancy.”
John also volunteers at Kleb Woods Nature Center and is usually volunteering at least three days a week. He lives in the Champions area and is retired from a career in Human Resources. His advice to TMN volunteers is, “Try a lot of things to find what makes you happiest.” John loves kayaking, trail blazing and doing projects that will have a lasting impact.
“I can do my little bit. If I can improve other people’s awareness or appreciation of a natural place, then I can improve the chance it will be there after I’m long gone,” said John. He is proving to be a true trail-blazer working to connect a 13-mile portion of the Spring Creek Greenway. Congratulations John!