Alligators haven’t changed much since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and they’re doing just fine in Texas. The state’s estimated population is 250,000 to 500,000. When Texas began protecting alligators in…
Chapter Newsletter transitioning to Blog
The Heartwood Chapter’s newsletter has transitioned to the Blog. Below are the archived versions of previous newsletters. These are available to read or download. To submit an article, photo, story, creative…
How to Get Started in Birding
Thanks to Heartwood chapter member Debbie Layer for sharing this helpful info for beginning birders. It’s great timing for the Great Backyard Bird Count on Feb. 12-15! Click on the link below to…
Bruce Lyndon Cunningham, the Forester-Artist
Bruce Lyndon Cunningham is internationally known as the “Forester-Artist.” Many Texas Master Naturalists know him as the illustrator of five identification books including Trees, Shrubs & Woody Vines of East…
Forest Ecosystem Values – presentation by John Warner
John Warner is the Urban District Forester at the W.G. Jones State Forest. Warner presented about Forest Ecosystem Values at the Heartwood Chapter meeting on Jan. 6 and at the Woodlands…