Event Title: Webinar MJV Live Mini Monarch Essentials
VMS-AT: Hill Country Chapter Resource Education (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT 25-082 Webinar: MJV Live Mini Monarch Essentials, Presenter:
Alyssa Taylor (AT=4.5h)
Event Date: 04/01/2025
Event Time: 6:00p-7:30p
continues 04/08 and 04/15. All classes required
Event Description: Join the Monarch Joint Venture for a virtual 3-week course to learn about monarch butterfly ecology, threats, and the effective conservation actions that you can take to help protect this iconic species. All classes are recorded and also available for later viewing.
Cost: $75 ($60 for students, teachers, and seniors)
Users will be prompted to create an account in order to register for and access this course. If cost is a barrier to your participation and you would like to request financial support, please email learn@monarchjointventure.org.
Register @: https://learn.monarchjointventure.org/courses/Live-Mini-Monarch-Essentials-April-2025?blm_aid=4105217
Contact Information: learn@monarchjointventure.org
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Monarch Jt. Venture