This page contains several options for you to see a list of all the chapter approved volunteer projects. Scroll down and choose the option you like.
Approved volunteer projects have been reviewed and approved by the Director of Volunteer Service Projects. Approved projects meet chapter requirements and the mission and standards established by the Texas Master Naturalist state program. Project opportunities are sponsored by various entities: state program sponsors, the chapter, non-profit organizations, nature centers, schools, city, county, state, and federal agencies. Members are free to volunteer on any approved project in any of our ten counties. Provide service on as many or as few projects as you choose. Click here to see some of the places we volunteer.
Volunteering as a Texas Master Naturalist for private benefit or on privately-owned property is prohibited.
If you would like to create and lead a brand new project, review the Volunteer Service Requirements, then submit your project proposal for review.
Click on your preferred option, shown below.
This information has been updated as of 07/01/2024.
Here are two consolidated versions that just contain what you need to find a project of interest. Note that the Microsoft Excel version will be downloaded to your device.
Finally, if you wish to see ALL information required by our Sponsors as a PDF, click here.