In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.
– John Muir

Requirements for Advanced Training are simple!
- 8 hours required each calendar year for recertification.
- Topics for Advanced Training can address manmade or natural events that impact our natural resources, natural areas, and local communities.
- Look to the Texas Master Naturalist Curriculum for topics that are considered part of the Mission of Texas Master Naturalists.
- Qualified AT will include some person-to-person interaction in a classroom, field, or seminar setting.
- Online AT should be live – allowing for speaker and audience interaction and questions/discussion. Virtual AT can use the chat function.
- Pre-recorded video on suitable subjects are acceptable when viewed as part of a training program or previously approved lecture.
- Offerings of lectures and seminars by partners already listed for AT in our Volunteer System will likely qualify. SEE LISTING BELOW
- Offerings vetted through the Texas Master Naturalist listserv are generally qualified for our Chapter.
JOIN THE TMN LISTSERVE>>>Visit this site:
The Texas Master Naturalist Program’s mission is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Texas.
Now, the things to watch for (not really Advanced Training):
- YouTube or any videos that provide information without interaction.
- Presentations for entertainment.
- Glossy, highly-produced documentaries available through Netflix, Amazon Prime, National Geographic, etc.

The purpose of Advanced Training is to support the mission aims of Texas Master Naturalists! If you still need help, contact Grace Lopez at
Our Monthly Meeting – August through May. Virtual or Face-to-face provide members several opportunities for achieving Advanced Training.
Advanced Training Offerings by these partners (those already selectable in your Volunteer login) are great starters for your annual AT requirement.
AT: Audubon Speakers
AT: Bird Conservation Curriculum
AT: CBBF Forum
AT: CC Museum
AT: Chapter Meeting- Speaker
AT: Citizen Science Training
AT: Local Government Agency Programs
AT: OBWPNC Lectures/Training
AT: PINS Cold Stun
AT: PINS Turtle Patrol
AT: Protecting Our Bays Through Proper Fertilization Techniques
AT: South Texas Chapter Education
AT: STMN Chapter Training
AT: TMN State Meeting
AT: TX Waters Certification Training
AT: VMS Training for STMN
Many partners provide specialized training and sessions for AT Credit. Check FACEBOOK for topics, times, and dates for Advanced Training Opportunities!