Classroom plant training for TMNs and teachers Instructors: Chad Huckabee & Grace Lopez Saturday, April 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Address: 3410 US-77, Odem, TX 78370 Register here: Record AT hours in VMS under AT: South Texas Chapter Ed
The Nueces Delta Preserve monthly workday will be Monday, December 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please bring water, wear closed-toe shoes, and dress appropriately for the weather. Bring lunch and drinks if you would like to hang around and visit. There is always plenty to do and new people to meet. Record VSP hours in VMS... Read More →
The Nueces Delta Preserve monthly workday will be Monday, September 25, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Please bring water, wear closed-toe shoes, and dress appropriately for the weather. Bring lunch and drinks if you would like to hang around and visit. There is always plenty to do and new people to meet.
Nueces Delta Preserve will host training for volunteers interested in facilitating field trips at the preserve.
We will be working from 9 - 12:30 and invite you to bring lunch and stick around to visit with each other afterward. Here are some items that are likely on our agenda: Seed planting for the CBBEP Coastal Bird Program Trash cleanup along the US77 fence line near the entrance Guinea grass removal, trimming... Read More →
You can drop in for just part of the time. Tools will be available, but it would be great to bring your own such as loppers, spades, etc. Dress for working outdoors. Here are some of the potential tasks on our agenda: Planting seeds for bird program in seed beds at NDP or at home.... Read More →
Chuck Blend will be a star guide during this event organized by the preserve and the Corpus Christi Astronomical Society. Telescopes and educational stuff will be available. This is a fun event but it does not count as AT or VSP.