Volunteer and Advanced Training
- Only approved opportunities are set up in VMS.
- Approved opportunities appear on our website calendar, in our monthly newsletters, and in periodic emails to all members. (Best ways to find an activity!)
- All AAMN active members and trainees are approved for all opportunities set up in VMS.
For individuals and organizations requesting an approval for a new activity, download and fill out our Activity Approval Form.
For organizations requesting an umbrella approval for their annual service activities and educational events, download and fill out our Annual Umbrella Organization Form.
Submission instructions are included in each form.
The Activities Committee will review the activity and the requestor will be notified of the decision within approximately 5 days. Requests should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the activity date. Activity forms submitted after the event date will not be considered.
Contact for questions: activities@alamomasternaturalist.org
Guidelines For Approval
The Activities Approval Committee has guidelines to evaluate submitted requests. Only requests that meet these guidelines will be approved. Below are the guidelines that are used.
Approval Guidelines for Advanced Training:
The Chapter Advanced Training Coordinator and/or Chapter Advanced Training Committee should use the following criteria or ask the following questions of the opportunity when reviewing and approving Advanced Training Opportunities:
Does the Advanced Training opportunity:
1. Promote continued learning and development of naturalist skills?
2. Provide Master Naturalists with knowledge and skills to work in volunteer efforts?
3. Direct trained volunteers toward specific programs in need of their services?
4. Provide practical information and training for application in volunteer efforts?
5. Take advantage of local partnerships?
6. Provide Master Naturalists an opportunity to focus their interests in one or a few specific topics?
7. Build on the core curriculum initially provided by the local Chapter?
8. Provide natural resource management issues and information applicable to Texas and the Chapter’s local community or ecoregion?
9. Is the program/training provided by a person who is a recognized authority or skilled in the subject matter?
Advanced Training opportunities must meet all the criteria of 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9 above to be approved. It is suggested that the remaining criteria also be a part of the approval consideration.
Approval Guidelines for Volunteer Service Hours:
Volunteer service must meet the TMN Program Mission by being dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their local communities for the State of Texas and approved by the Chapter.
The following are points for the Chapter’s Volunteer Service Coordinator and/or the Volunteer Service Committee to consider in approving and issuing a code or title for a project opportunity:
A. Is the proposed service project representative of the goals, practices, and teachings of the Texas Master Naturalist Program?
B. How does the project address a pressing naturalist, natural resource management, Chapter and/or partner need for meaningful service or resources?
C. What is the scope of the project in terms of when it would need to be conducted, where, estimated time needed to complete or maintain per month, how many Members would be needed, etc.?
D. Is the project within the Chapter’s service area and ecological training? Consideration by the Chapter may be given to a limited number of projects outside the Chapter’s service area and ecological training if the project’s service is compatible with the mission, goals, and training of the Chapter and the TMN Program.
E. How does the project allow the Chapter to focus and/or create visibility, identity and/or recruitment for the Chapter? Does the opportunity allow the Member(s) to represent the TMN Program at all times?
F. How can the project’s impact on the community and our natural resources be measured?
G. Does the opportunity include fundraising for an organization other than the Chapter or the TMN Program which is outside of the TMN mission?
H. Does the opportunity include lobbying which is not acceptable under the TMN Mission?
I. Is the opportunity a “good opportunity” for the Chapter and Program to be associated?