Deborah Canterbury, 2011
So you think Education, Restoration, Preservation (Conservation) are watch words exclusive to our chapter? Think again. Think Angola (Africa), SMU and Smithsonian while you are at it.
Several months ago the paleo lab members who had been involved for at least 6 years in preparing fossils at the Heard were assigned a tricky preparator duty. They were asked to clean sandstone, a challenge for the most advanced of preparator, from the Mosasaurus remains collected by SMU at a site in Angola, Africa.
To whet your curiosity, keep in mind a global effort to alter the colonialism mentality, these fossils will go back to Angola along with participating entities providing a degree course in paleontology and a museum to boot.
And yes, five BPTMN volunteers are proud to say they are a part of this: Jim Dulian, Deb Canterbury, Patti Tuck, Mittie McDonald and Karleen Hoffmann.

For full details of the project and a sidebar into the relationship between Angola, Big Chief Shaka Zulu and Mardi Gras go to:
(Another interesting note is for you to take the first letter of the headline to the sea monster story to find the pride of the university involved.)

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