John W. Garbutt, Class of 2019 – “It is fortunate, perhaps, that no matter how intently one studies the hundred little dramas of the wood and meadows, on can never learn all of the salient facts about any one of them.”- Aldo Leopold, “Sky Dance”- A Sand County Almanac
Thoughts From Behind the Viewfinder Vol 3. Part 2
John W. Garbutt, Class of 2019- Around Thanksgiving the autumn color reaches its late and brief climax. I hope to use the canvas nature provides as a backdrop for the ducks on the pond.
Thoughts From Behind the Viewfinder Vol 3.
John W. Garbutt- Class of 2019- When the end of October nears, my thoughts are not of candy and costumes but of the waterfowl arriving to North Texas. In the midst of suburbia, it seems that every branded neighborhood or park contains artificial bodies of water or ponds fed by diverting water from an existing creek. In doing this, “we” have unintentionally, or perhaps sometimes with purpose, created a plethora of winter homes for waterfowl seeking respite from the frozen bodies of water in which they were raised.
Thoughts From Behind the Viewfinder Vol 2.
John W. Garbutt- Class of 2019- I have been fortunate to have a few memorable encounters at Frisco Commons. Some of my favorites are my first Golden-winged Warbler, my first Least Bittern, a Ring-necked Pheasant, coyotes, a Great-horned Owl, Eastern Screech Owls, bobcats, and the Cooper’s Hawk and Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nests.
One of the most recent encounters was of a pair of Bobcats.
Thoughts From Behind the Viewfinder Vol 1.
John W. Garbutt- Class of 2019- “We must remember that the public can see all the animals we have in any good zoo, but to see them in their natural environment they must come to places like the Wichita”- Aldo Leopold, 1925.
Despite my numerous trips here, it was my trip on October 1st that I first noticed this quote. My trip was to see Rocky Mountain Elk which were extirpated from the area by 1875 and reintroduced in 1908.