Linda Nixon, 2018 – “Later I would learn I was living in the Blackland Prairie ecological region of Texas that was once covered by millions acres of tallgrass prairie. My soil was special!”
Our Tribe’s Fortune 2,500 Hours – Rick Travis
Rick Travis, 2018 – “Livin’ the Dream, folks!” My wife and best friend Lisa and I joined the Blackland Prairie chapter training class in 2018. Since graduating we’ve been relatively active in the chapter, coordinating and/or participating in some special restoration projects, “doing our time” in various positions of responsibility within the chapter, and just having a blast immersing ourselves in nature with wonderful folks that share our love and passion for the natural world.
Our Tribe’s Fortune 1,000 Hours – Mittie McDonald
Mittie McDonald, 2013 – “She handed me a Master Naturalist application and told me I would not regret this decision. I haven’t!”
Our Tribe’s Fortune 1,000 Hours – Deb Hartman
Deb Hartman, 2017 – “I now know not to kill the caterpillars that are eating my dill, fennel and Passion flower as someday they will reward me with turning into beautiful butterflies.“
Our Tribe’s Fortune 250 Hours – Lisa Striping
Lisa Striping, 2022 – “I am staying active with the Chapter because I enjoy meeting and sharing experiences with other BPTMN volunteers.”
Our Tribe’s Fortune 500 – Shari Navarette
Shari Navarette, 2018 – “I love to spend time at Erwin Park (especially in the Spring, when the red tails are nesting) .”
Erwin Park
David Powell, 2007 – Even in August with no rain and heat our team is at Erwin Park on Monday mornings. Yes we do clear underbrush from the tree lines within the circle and cut trees out in the prairie and that is all a beneficial contribution to the beauty of the place. It has always been as important for those of who are working to spend time examining the natural growth in the prairie. We enjoy this time to share our knowledge and learn from each other as we wonder amongst the vegetation.
2022 August – Chase T. Brooke | Conservation in Collin County: opportunities, challenges, and goals for our natural spaces.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 7 PM CST Chase T. Brooke is the Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Agent with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Collin County. He works with… Read More →
2022 July – Amy Martin | The Nature of the Moon
Tuesday, July 12 7PM CST Charlise Hill Larson, 2019 and 2021-2022 Vice President We usually think of nature as what surrounds us on Earth. But nature also includes the sky… Read More →
Our Tribe’s Fortune 2500 Hours – Lisa Travis
Lisa Travis, 2018 and 2022-2023 New Class Director – I retired from teaching in 2017, but still have a passion for learning and sharing what I’ve learned.