Articles sourced from NBCDFW, Author Frank Heinz, May 20,2024 & June 3, 2024
Submitted by: Leah Justice, Class of 2021 (June 3rd article) (May 20th article)
Spot an emerald ash borer? Texas A&M AgriLife wants to know….
Entomologists with AgriLife Extension have been charged with writing publications about the emerald ash borer that is becoming more prevalent in the state (most recently discovered in Hill, Bosque & McLennan Counties). We are in need of images for use in our publications and are hoping that Master Naturalist volunteers may be willing and able to keep an eye out for these insects and get pictures for us that we could then use (with credit to the photographers). We would like clear photos of the beetles, D-shaped exit holes, thinning canopy of trees, epicormic shoots on trees, possible woodpecker damage, etc.
If you find these beetles in your county and you are not already on the map found here, please let us know as we are tracking the movement of the beetle.
EAB sightings can also be reported here
These beetles are small (1/3-1/2 inch), metallic green, and bullet shaped. They leave a D-shaped exit hole when they emerge from infested trees. They attack any type of ash tree, olive, and fringetrees.
Please send information to Wizzie Brown at
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