Since the first year of the Blackland Prairie Chapter our tribe members have taken on responsibilities with other groups or have served as advisors and teachers. If you have or are serving as a board member for another organization, if you have served on the chapter board – elected or appointed, if you have been an advisor or presenter for an organization, school or other chapter, if you have taken turns at the Outreach booth, let us know. If you know of someone in the chapter who has done so, pass on the good news for Shaking the Trees. Our philosophy is like a three-legged stool: Education, Restoration, Preservation. Let the education leg be known. List name, class year, and the recipients of service. (i.e. Outreach booth at Collin County Garden Show or Advisor at Plano Senior High for landscaping class) I know several work with school classes and groups. Several serve on boards. Several travel the state/other states sharing the life learnings of a master naturalist. So, what ‘cha doin’?