Kathy Boys, Class of 2023
The newly formed Blackland Prairie Texas Master Naturalist (BPTMN) Eco Explorers group is helping Girl Scouts, their troop leaders and families experience the Blackland Prairie Ecoregion while the girls earn badges and fun patches. For many of the girls and adults, it’s their first time getting this close to nature and taking the time to observe, learn about, and appreciate our ecoregion. The evaluations have been very heartwarming and exemplify how much this outreach is needed. Many leaders and families do not have the confidence to get out there and discover without guidance, and we are meeting that need.
In September, the Eco Explorers took off to explore the Connemara Meadow. BPTMN, Leah Beck with the assistance of Vicki Sanders and Kathy Boys, lead 10 Girl Scouts and their families on an eco-walk through the meadow. Leah started us off with a talk about Rowlett Creek, Blackland prairie soil, and soil erosion and litter. Through a lovely meadow walk, Girl Scouts learned about local flora and fauna, and about natives, non-natives and invasives plants. We investigated prairie grasses such as switch grass, native trees such as the Pecan, Honey Locust and the Black Willow, and native flora such as milkweed, Leavenworth’s eryngo, Tievine, American basketflower, Western Ironweed, and Indian blanket (to name a few) and talked about some of the insects and other animals that depended on them. Along the way we met Bob Mione, the meadow manager, who talked about prairie restoration. We wrapped up the badges while eating cold watermelon under one of the huge Pecan trees (fit 30+ people under there) listening to BPTMN, Randy Boys, give a talk about the Leave No Trace Principles. Despite the heat they had a good time and learned not only about the local ecoregion but about the mission of the Blackland Prairie Texas Master Naturalist program. Girls earned either all or a large part of their Eco badge series.
October took us to Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve in East Plano. Master Naturalist, Daniel Miranda, was our tree and trail expert, guiding us along one of the many nature trails offered. Master Naturalists, Daniel Miranda, Randy Boys, Kathy Boys and Kim Montange, took 34 Girl Scouts, their leaders, and family on this adventure to earn four different badge levels (Daisy Shapes in Nature, Brownie Hiker, Junior Animal Habitats, and Cadette Trees). While looking for shapes and patterns, nature items on a scavenger hunt list, animal habitats, and trees, girls encountered birds and spiders (there may have been some screaming) and their nests, an anole, signs of an armadillo and Yellow-Bellied Sap sucker, an assortment of wild flowers and grasses, and a variety of trees and their products such as Pecans, Burr oak acorns, Texas Persimmons, and Mexican plums. The Daisies really liked the shapes they found like the Inland Sea oats (chevron=triangle) and bumps and patterns on tree bark. Have you ever tried to find a square in nature? They all definitely learned about poison ivy and staying on the trail. We took a break in the woods to sketch trees and habitats, make leaf rubbings, discuss what we had seen and why we dress the way we do when out exploring, and to make and share a nutritious hiking snack (required by the Brownie Hiker badge – aww shucks!). As can be seen in the photos the girls and their adults were engaged, curious, had fun and learned a lot about our local eco-region!
Many reported they are looking forward to our next adventure. Onward we go. Next stop, one of the Frisco parks to offer the Eco badge series to more Girl Scouts. If you are a BPTMN member wanting to share your expertise and passion about a Blackland Prairie nature subject, let Kathy Boys, Vicki Sanders, or Kim Montange know. I’m sure there is a badge or patch for that!
Eco Explorer Nature Walk at Connemara (BPTMN Vicki Sanders, Leah Beck and Kathy Boys with Girl Scouts and their Families/leaders)

BPTMN Leah Beck talking about the Honey Locust Tree at Connemara

BPTMN Bob Mione explaining Connemara Blackland Prairie restoration efforts

BPTMN Randy Boys talking about Leave No Trace Principles under one of the Pecan trees at Connemara

BPTMN Randy Boys, Kim Montange, Kathy Boys and Daniel Miranda and Girl Scouts at Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve

BPTMN Randy Boys talking about the Burr Oak acorn to Girl Scouts

BPTMN Daniel Miranda and Randy Boys talking to Girl Scouts about the Yellow-bellied Sap Sucker

BPTMN Kim Montange worked with Junior Girl Scouts earning their Animal Habitats badge

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