By Deborah Canterbury with Photos by Shari Navarette
In the era BPL (Before Pandemic Lockdown) we had a member, Shari Navarette, volunteer to be the chapter photographer. That job was shelved after the March meeting – which was her first official assignment. She was at the Heard sale setup last week and is back in business.
While the number of plants was down for the 2021 Heard Plant Sale, the quality of offerings was top-notch with some not-always-seen items. Then came the storm threat on Friday. Fortunately it held off, the members-only line stretched through the parking lot to the entrance garden of the main building and the excitement was excellent. The sold out sign went up at the end of the day. One chapter member who went to purchase on Saturday reported that only the parsley was left and a member was hard selling the quality of planting parsley as a host plant.