Amy Martin, NTMN and Author
I want to share with the Blackland Prairie chapter my gratitude of the “loan” of several master naturalists for Wild Dallas-Fort Worth: Explore the Amazing Nature of North Texas [], to be released by Timber Press (Doug Tallamy’s publisher) in summer 2022.
In the Wild Lands of the North section of Adventures:
For the Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary chapter, Rick Travis led me on the ultimate forest tour, uplands to lowlands and everything in between, plus the Bull Frog Pond and the wetlands boardwalk. I gained insights into the Heard from Rick that I would not have gleaned otherwise. My afternoon with Dave Powell was equally illuminating and his passion for prairies touched me deeply. I’ve been involved with prairies for nearly two decades, yet I learned new things from Dave.
For the Parkhill Prairie chapter, no finer guide could have been had than Rich Jaynes. His joy in prairie exploration was infectious and his native plant knowledge beyond compare.
In the Big Creeks of Southern Collin County section of Adventures:
For the Rowlett Creek: Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve chapter, I am thrilled to introduce readers to the fine and overlooked prairies at Oak Point, brought alive for me with Carol Clark’s expert guidance and fine humor. I learned so much about native bees as well. My experience with Sally Evans in the park’s forests was transcendent. I was taught how to look at nature through new eyes.
For the Rowlett Creek: Connemara Meadow chapter, Bob Mione’s passion for prairies came through loud and clear and the volunteers matched that passion. Together they are crafting miracles. My readers will glean many lessons of the power of naturalist volunteering.
Astounding photos for the book by Daniel Koglin and Stalin SM. Still searching for prairie and forest photos at Oak Point. Here are a couple examples.
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