Our Chapter member, Dave Powell, is taking his “show” on the road! Dave presented “Symbiotic Relationships and How to Teach Them” at the 2020 Texas Master Naturalist Annual Meeting in October. Now Play Frisco is providing another opportunity for Dave to share this great online presentation with the residents of Frisco and beyond! If you missed Dave’s presentation at the Annual Meeting, here is your second chance to watch and learn!
Program: Symbiotic Relationships and How to Teach Them
Presenter: Dave Powell
Description: Play Frisco and the Blackland Prairie Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists are thrilled to present the FREE webinar “Symbiotic Relationships and How to Teach Them”. During this fun and informative presentation, you will learn about the concepts of symbiotic relationships in nature through examples found in Texas. What is a symbiotic relationship? It is a close association between members of different species. Viewers will be shown how to teach these concepts to others, making this an excellent learning opportunity for teachers, homeschool parents, and nature lovers. If you cannot make the webinar but want to see the presentation? Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a recording!
About the Presenter: Dave Powell is a highly respected North Texas science educator and has been a member of the Blackland Prairie Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists since 2007, where he has held several leadership positions, including Vice President, President, State Representative, and currently resides on the State Advisory Board. He has served as a volunteer Trail Guide for the Heard Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary since 2005 and has been a contract environmental educator since 2007. He loves continued learning and sharing his knowledge with others. Dave lives by the motto, “Keeping Nature Real”! Dave recently presented this webinar at the 2020 Texas Master Naturalist Annual Meeting, and Play Frisco is thrilled to offer it to their residents!
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM
To Register: Email Kelsey Johnson at KJohnson2@friscotexas.gov
Logging AT: Attending this presentation is worth 2 hours of AT to be logged as AT: BPTMN Other Pre-Approved Training with Symbiotic Relationship Teaching Training in the description box.
Additional Information: Play Frisco Facebook link to the info https://www.facebook.com/events/732824613995420
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