Clyde Camp, 2011
Possibly a very frustrated male. Or Female. The same bird (I think) has been arriving around 11pm and sitting in the door trilling until around 3am. Sometimes leaving and returning several times. Sometimes taking a nap inside. Sometimes trilling from inside. And several times spending the day sleeping before taking off at dusk.
But last night he showed up again and at 9am this morning was in the doorway trilling. *Very* active in broad daylight. It’s 3pm now and he’s still at it. Lots of trilling both from inside and sitting in the doorway. And what I would assume is some sort of nesting activity – tail swishing to move the wood chips around, pecking on the bottom of the box, etc. in addition to just sitting there.
As soon as he leaves tonight, I’ll get the ladder out and adjust the camera better. It got knocked whopper-jawed at some point in the last couple of days
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