Check out the latest news about the upcoming iNaturalists events!
- BPTMN iNat Projects Page
- Heard Museum
- Connemara Meadow Preserve
- Erwin Prairie Restoration
- Stewart Creek Wetlands
- Sam Kieschnik Page
- Wylie Prairie
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Outreach Events need You!
Hey BPTMN Speakers – We have received several requests for Master Naturalist speakers. Are you…
Odolympics 2021 – Dragonfly & Damselfly Surveys
Hello Blackland Prairie Chapter Master Naturalists! The Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Sociedad de Odonatología Latinoamericana and Odonata Central are…
Lisa Travis – Fall Socially Distant BioBlitz for DFW Master Naturalist Chapters
September 6–12, 2020 The first DFW Fall Socially Distant BioBlitz was a huge success! During…
Lisa Travis – Fall Socially Distant BioBlitz – DFW Urban Ecosystem
Are you ready for the DFW Fall BioBlitz? Here’s what you need to know to…