Rick Travis, Class of 2018
My thoughts re what I perceive as our chapter challenges going forward:
1. Accommodating the growing number of people wanting to undergo training and join the Chapter.
2. Addressing the rapid development and urbanization occurring in our area, resulting in significant native habitat losses.
3. Ensuring consistent development and transition of newer members into chapter leaders
4. Maximizing the engagement of non-members as volunteers and influencers aligned with the MN mission through outreach opportunities, educational efforts, and chapter member involvement in civic boards and committees.
5. Increasing the diversity within our chapter membership to reflect the overall demographics of our area.
Below is one of my favorite statements that sums up how, I believe, we should apply ourselves as Blackland Prairie Texas Master Naturalists. This is from Candice Savage’s book “Prairie: A Natural History”. While this statement is prairie focused, it pertains to all our natural areas and ecosystems:
“There is no way to hold back the future. But we can shape the course of events by engaging – fully, deeply, and passionately – with the present. The survival of the wild prairie and its creatures will depend, in no small part, on our ability to ensure their well-being right now. By protecting and enhancing wild prairie and managing the working landscape for wildness, we can strengthen and enhance the ecosystem, in all its diversity and abundance, for both our sake and for those who come after us. This approach is sometimes referred to as a strategy of “no regrets”, because the work is worth doing now, no matter what happens next.”
I’m class of 2018.
Here’s a pic (one mustn’t take oneself too seriously…gotta have fun while doing the good work!):

Editors Note – Rick has been an integral part of our success over the years; we sure are lucky to have him as a Chapter Member and our current President. Here are some additional photos of Rick, along with just a few of the photos he has shared on our chapter’s website.

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