Deborah Canterbury, 2014

Congratulations to Cindy Napper on her 500 hour pin.
Cindy Napper, 2017
I graduated with the 2017 class and became a Naturalist because I saw how much fun Paul was having. There’s a whole chapter I could write on how he was revitalized before my eyes while going thru training and afterwards, and it was just so inspiring to see him be excited about something! I wanted some of that… I was invited to be on the Ed. Comm. by Greg Hayden in 2018; I told him I didn’t feel that I could offer anything but he said he had faith in me! I grew as a Naturalist by being involved with such amazingly smart people, and energized as I saw students discover what nature has to teach us all. I’ve volunteered at the Heard butterfly garden, plant sale and Trick or Treat events. . Paul and I were foster parents to baby quail this past spring that were released at Connemara as part of the Quail Project. I love working at the Raptor Ctr. gardens and have done a few work days at Clymer Meadow. Nowadays I’m splitting my time between the Allen Sr. Ctr. gardens and Heritage Farm prairie garden. And I keep forgetting(😳) that I’m the librarian for our chapter’s Lending Library because it’s been so long since we’ve put it out…but hopefully that will change this month.
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