Tuesday, December 8, 7pm Monthly online “Zoom” Meeting
Junipers are a ubiquitous sight across Texas. From the trans-Pecos to the piney woods, most ecoregions in Texas have at least one species naturally occurring within it. Chase will discuss the five most commonly occurring native juniper species in the state, their unique characteristics, how to manage them, and how to identify them.
Chase Brooke is the Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Agent with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Collin County. In this role, he provides high-impact, research-based information and educational opportunities to residents, landowners, and agricultural producers in Collin County. Chase owns both a B.S. in Spatial Science and an M.S. in Ecosystem Science and Management from Texas A&M University. Chase is a native to the DFW area, and has previously worked in forestry, research, and higher education before starting as a County Extension Agent in 2018.
President’s Slides in PDF covering new COVID-19 Guidelines.
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