Balaji Devarajanm, Class of 2022 – I enjoyed watching the Roadrunner parents hunt and bring food to feed the three chicks in the nest at Erwin Park, McKinney. Their buffet spread is huge with snakes, cicadas, caterpillars, grasshoppers, lizards, and others. I hope you like these photos!
Erwin Park
Erwin Park
David Powell, 2007 – Even in August with no rain and heat our team is at Erwin Park on Monday mornings. Yes we do clear underbrush from the tree lines within the circle and cut trees out in the prairie and that is all a beneficial contribution to the beauty of the place. It has always been as important for those of who are working to spend time examining the natural growth in the prairie. We enjoy this time to share our knowledge and learn from each other as we wonder amongst the vegetation.
Erwin Park – Hawk’s Nest
Shari Navarette, 2018 and Chapter Photographer – In the early spring of 2021, while Covid kept most of us home, I spent a lot of time with my camera at the Heard Museum, at Hagerman NWR, and at Erwin Park. One morning at Erwin, while the trees were still bare, I spotted a pair of hawks at a nest. One was sitting on the nest, the other kept it’s mate company just off to the side. I watched for a while.