By Carol Clark, Laura Ragen, Fran & Bill Woodfin et al 2010, 2014, 2007

Best Testimonial ever:
“A lot of what I have learned about native plants came from attending the sales at the Heard yearly.”
– Carol Clark
The oldest (two decades), largest and most consistent native plant sale in North Texas is up and running again this year at the Heard Museum. Beside this brief history of the Heard Native Plant Sale there are a few things to know.
Despite the weather, growers were not drastically affected by the deep freeze and the level of merchandise has not been reduced as one would think. Some were such as trees and shrubs.
The sale will be in person April 23, noon to 7 PM for Heard members only; 24th, 9-7; and if plants are still available on Sunday.
Volunteers who are registered as such with The Heard would be appreciated to help unload, arrange and label plants as the shipments arrive and especially for April 20-23 to finalize the sale displays. It’s a good opportunity for someone new to our region to begin to become familiar with our natives.
People who want to volunteer but are not registered Heard Volunteers will need to:
1. Fill out the volunteer application found at this link: (Close out the payment page; no need to pay for background check.)
2. Forward the chapter e-mail containing the background card. It should be in applicant’s e-mail inbox with the subject heading: Background Check Verification Card – LastName.
3. Fill out and e-mail the attached release form.
E-mail address for 2 & 3 above is
Invitations will go out through SignUp Genius.
Link to Heard Plant sale information –
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