Brazos Bend State Park has invited the Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter (TMNCPC) to join them in their upcoming Winter Holiday Event, “Holiday in the Park”, on Saturday, 12/11/2021, from 12:00 -6:00 PM. The TMNCPC will be sharing its Skins and Skulls Workshop on Wheels (WOW) at this event and needs volunteers to share it with those in attendance.
Shifts remain available to be filled via
TMN COVID-19 Precautions: “For any indoor or outdoor activities that do occur in-person, masks and social distancing considerations are encouraged.”
Fort Bend County COVID-19 Yellow Precautions: “Continue good personal protective measure such as facial coverings and physical distancing. Opt for small to medium size events (<50 people) to avoid large group settings.”
[VSP hours to be recorded in VMS under the category “Texas State Parks: TMN Report Hours”]