Photo by Paula Dittrick
“Join us for a fun hike in Seabourne looking for insects and other arthropods and led by John Few, our AgriLife agent, who is an entomologist. We will be looking for insects that are out there now, as well as other arthropods, such as spiders and roly polys.
We will have some equipment to enable us to look more closely at these creatures and we will be recording our findings in an iNaturalist Project developed by our group (Kerry Padilla leading this).
So, come join us in finding out what critters in this interesting and broad group of animals exist in Seabourne Creek Nature Park?
This hike qualifies for VSP hours under the category “iNaturalist, eBird, and Other Citizen Science: TMN Field Research Hours.”
Who: Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter (TMNCPC) Members only
What: Monthly Insect Hike
Where: Meet at The Butterfly Garden, Seabourne Creek Nature Park (SCNP), 3831 TX-36 Rosenberg TX 77471
When: 4th Thursday of the month, 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Why: That’s what TMNs do!
[VSP hours to be recorded in VMS under: “iNaturalist, eBird, and Other Citizen Science: TMN Field Research Hours”]