Text condensed from articles in Jan. 1, 2021, Coastal Prairie Chapter newsletter. Photo by Courier Newsletter Editor Lynn Trenta.
The Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter accelerated bump up efforts during 2020 at Seabourne Creek Nature Park’s prairie restoration.
TMNCPC past president Jim Butcher reported master naturalists bumped up 4,318 native plants at SCNP in 2020, up 33% from the 2019 tally of 2,920 native plants. Bump up refers to the process of repotting seedlings to 1-gal. containers.

Jerry Trenta, TMNCPC immediate past president, told participants at the January chapter meeting to, “Get ready to do a lot of planting this year.”
The city of Rosenberg has partnered with TMNCPC on SCNP since 2009 to develop and nurture the park’s coastal prairie, butterfly gardens, fish pond, and wildlife habitats.