By Jerry Trenta, Seabourne director. Article from TMNCPC Courier newsletter, May 1, 2021, condensed by Paula Dittrick, blogmaster
Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter volunteers continue to keep busy this spring with lots to do at Seabourne Creek Nature Park.
We’ve started a tree-watering schedule for the newly planted trees in the park. TMNCPC members use the chapter’s touring cart with a water tank and hose attached, giving our new trees a drink of water.

The plants in the nursery still have a month or so of growing out before we start planting. There are still several propagation trays in the greenhouse that will need to be bumped up to gallon pots. We have 1-pound bags of Indiangrass and Big Bluestem seeds to plants in the prairie’s hog-damaged areas.
A pile of road base material at the bird sanctuary needs to be wheelbarrowed into the hog-damaged area under the bird feeder.
We are continuing to expand the prairie paths deeper into the restoration area and continuing our de-treeing efforts across the entire prairie area.

TMNCPC plans a couple of projects in the Butterfly garden in the next few weeks to months. One is to install a cedar stake arbor for the honeysuckle. The second is either adding a layer of stone to the edge stones along the pathway in the garden or digging up the pathway and lowering it several inches and adding drains. We might end up doing both once we start working on the path.