Text by Paula Dittrick, TMNCPC blogmaster, with photos by TMNCPC member Garrett Engelhardt.
Some 1,300 Rainbow Trout, each measuring about 8 to 13 inches long, were added to the 4-acre Seabourne Lake at Seabourne Creek Nature Park on Feb. 9, said Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter member Garrett Engelhardt.

Ty Moorehead of the East Texas State Fish Hatchery from Brookland, Texas, brought the fish to Rosenberg. Hatcheries are a component of freshwater fisheries management at Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.
The trout stocking is done annually even though the Fish-tastic event, typically held every February, was called off for 2021 because of COVID precautions.

A group of homeschool youngsters happened to be at the park and got to watch, Engelhardt said.

In November 2020, the lake was restocked with 500 large-mouth bass measuring 3 to 4 inches long at that time. The lake also was stocked with 62 pounds of minnows and shiners to help feed the bass. The lake also contains perch and catfish.