Join us the 3rd Thursday of the month for our chapter meeting!
Karen McGraw, Ed.D., will present ‘Protecting Dark Skies for Humans & Wildlife’.
Almost every living thing on our planet uses the cycle of light and dark to trigger life processes. Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) and light pollution interrupts this cycle. This program helps us understand the effects of light pollution on living things, including ourselves, and how we can protect dark skies for humans and wildlife.
Dr. Karen McGraw is a retired corporate consultant, adult educator, and researcher. For over 30 years she managed client projects in the fields of human performance improvement, user-interface design, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and training. In 2015 she completed her certification as a Texas Master Naturalist and is now a member of the Elm Fork Chapter. Karen also is a certified Water Quality Citizen Scientist, a Dark Sky Advocate for the Texas chapter of IDA (, and a member of the Native Plant Society.
Business meeting: Chapter Administrative / Chapter Meeting
Advanced Training: AT: Chapter meeting