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Bats are a sign of a healthy and functioning ecosystem – they help with pest control, reducing the need for insecticide, and their guano is an excellent organic fertilizer, among many other benefits bats offer to people and nature. With nearly 200 species threatened with extinction, corporate landowners have an opportunity to contribute to bat conservation in a meaningful way. In this webinar, bat experts will share the basics of creating a bat garden, bat-friendly considerations for lighting buildings and landscapes, and the importance of urban habitats such as parks and golf courses.
Coordinators: Wildlife Habitat Council and Bat Conservation International
Link to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7693933096186840079?fbclid=IwAR0ehukDvwnaLfxhZxkVdN0FoigId9kerCTvI2nv1G7taABCNI45zyXnYPI
VMS Code: AT:Chapter Approved