Just Dig It!
Practical Ideas for Adding Native Plants to Your Yard
Keynote Speaker:
Noted horticulture author Neil Diboll, owner of Prairie Nursery, consulting ecologist, and author of The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants, will present via Zoom: Prairie Garden Design Principles. Learn the tenets of design and maintenance when gardening with prairie plants.
Featured Speakers:
- Susan Abernathy, a Blackland Prairie Master Naturalist, is a well-known local native gardener. She and others from her chapter will share their journeys with pollinator pocket gardens. Get insight on how they got started and the process of building and maintaining a native landscape.
- Anna Hurst, Owner of Eco Blossom Nursery in Ft. Worth, will recommend native and well-adapted perennials, shrubs, grasses, trees, vines and ground covers that can stand up to the Texas climate.
- Missy Singleton, private lands biologist for US Fish and Wildlife Service, will explore the wonders of pocket prairies.
The cost for this seminar is $40 and includes:
- Four outstanding expert speakers
- Morning coffee, tea and juice
- Boxed lunch at noon
Seating is limited.