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If you have never birded at LLELA come and check the place out. Our species list is over 275. If you’re one of our regulars pick out a good spot and come sit a while. This big sit is a bit more informal than a traditional big sit. Teams can be from 3 to 6 birders. It will run from 6 AM to 6 PM on November 5th. As usual, at least one member from each team must be in their 20′ circle during the event. Only birds seen or heard from within the circle may be counted.
Several locations will be picked out by birders on the LLELA staff. Detailed information about entry time, gate location and so on along with a map showing circle locations will be emailed to the team leader two weeks prior to the event. Teams can choose among circle locations on a first come, first served basis. Participants will get LLELA Goodie Bags, until we run out of them. Members of the winning team get bragging rights and a Big Sit winners’ t-shirt.
There is a registration fee of $20.00 per team, but the usual $5.00 per car LLELA entry fee will be waived so team members can come and go as needed during the day, and of course if more birders than are registered for your team want to help out, that works, so long as no more than the registered number are in the circle at any given time. Registration will be open until October 30th.
To register go to this link https://www.classy.org/event/llelas-big-sit/e427101.
Click on TEAM REGISTRATION. The Select Tickets page will open. Choose the box for the size of your team, from 6 to 3 birders, on the immediate right click on the plus sign so there is a 1 in the window. At the bottom right click on TEAM REGISTRATION. The Complete Tickets Form will open. Fill out the registration form for Attendee 1 then click on NEXT at the bottom right and fill out the form for each remaining team member, Attendee 2 etc. clicking on NEXT each time. Once the information for all team members has been entered, click on NEXT again to go to the Check Out Page. Fill out the required information and click on PURCHASE in the lower right corner. That completes the registration process, and you will receive a confirmation email.
Contact us with questions @ LLELAoutdoors@gmail.com