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Let’s take advantage of land developer help on digging the grasses and getting them to Green Acres, and digging the holes, too.
Here is the plan:
The developer and team will start digging little bluestem at the Deer Path site at 8 am on Saturday April 27. A trailer of grasses will leave there at 9 and arrive at Green Acres by 9:15.
Planters will meet at Green Acres, with a hand spade, water, gloves, hat, sunscreen, etc. at 9:15, on Saturday April 27. We will be planting in the auger-dug holes. These holes may need some adjustment depending on the grass to plant. The sides of the hole can be scraped some to make it rough, rather than a smooth wall around the plant. We may need to water the holes before planting.
After 9 am the developer will begin digging more holes with augers.
Beside planting there are other jobs, like heeling in grasses with topsoil when more grasses arrive.
We really need people to plant well, and it is best to get the grasses in the ground on Saturday. Let’s plant in the afternoon also, for those who are busy in the morning.
There will be opportunities to plant heeled in grasses the following week if we don’t plant all of the little bluestem.
Please RSVP if you can help on Sat 27 April, preferred in the morning 9:15am -12 noon, or if you can’t make it in the morning, afternoon 1-3 pm.
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you for your support! We will be preserving a native grass, part of our North Texas ecosystem!
Beckybecky.bertoni@gmail.com972 878 4058
Green Acres (located at 4400 Hide-A-Way Lane, Flower Mound, 75022)
VMS Code: P160714:RM:Green Acres