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The Chapter’s 25th Anniversary Celebration will include a Silent Auction. Silent Auction pledges are now being accepted for item(s) that members would like to contribute to the auction. By clicking on the Jot Form, members will be asked to provide Item Name, Item Description, Estimated Value, Opening Bid Recommendation, and Contact Information. Forms will be accepted through November 21. Those contributing auction items should bring their item(s) to the 25th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, December 12th by 9:30 a.m. (at the Denton County Administrative Courthouse, room 2020). Unsold items should be reclaimed by the donor at the close of the event. Auction proceeds will benefit member-chosen, non-profit organizations (to be determined).
Jot Form – https://form.jotform.com/242413755605152
For more information, contact Eric Houston at SelladoreGardens@gmail.com.