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Join the Fort Worth Audubon Society for an informative evening learning about some of North America’s most interesting and highly adapted birds-the Woodpeckers. Longtime Audubon birding friends Jerri Kerr and Carolyn Oldham from Prairie and Timbers Audubon Society (Collin County) will present. They have traveled extensively observing birds with a special interest in Woodpeckers. Jerri has seen all the breeding Woodpecker species of the U.S., and Carolyn, a close second, is only missing the Nuttall’s Woodpecker.
Meeting begins at 7pm, presentation begins shortly thereafter.
Coordinator: Fort Worth Audubon Society
Link to Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8174964437?pwd=MmhabFFsQXpQb1d1THA4Y2N2OGtVUT09
Meeting ID: 817 496 4437
Passcode: 941033