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Title: Handheld Videographer: Capturing Quality Videos with Your Phone to Promote Your Chapter
Date: May 21, 2024 at 12:00 – 1:00pm cst
Speaker: Rachel Richter, Urban Wildlife Biologist, TPWD
Description: Lee Smith, Wildlife Diversity Information Specialist, TPWD
Description: Lee Smith is soliciting TMN Chapters around the state to shoot video of their members in action, in the field, volunteering their time and knowledge. Lee will provide a training session with guidelines on how to use your cell phone to capture video clips that can be used in future videos to promote TMN. The training will include what settings to use on your phone, along with tips on composition and technique. The videos captured will provided needed visuals to promote TMN at a state and local chapter level.
Register here: https://tpwdevents.webex.com/webappng/sites/tpwdevents/webinar/webinarSeries/register/4e6f9dd3145e4368a56d4c028b97f158
VMS Code: AT: TMN Tuesday:TMN AT Report Hours (live or watch a recorded session in the same year.)
Second Tuesday of each month at noon, the TMN State Office will offer an hour-long virtual advanced training event.
These will be recorded each month and shared to the TMNTuesday website.
TMN Tuesdays are open to the public – all are welcome to attend.