Webinar Title: Common Mistakes When Managing Aquatic Vegetation
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT21-400 Webinar Common Mistakes When Managing Aquatic Vegetation, Presenter: Morgan Treadwell (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 11/04/2021
Webinar Time: 12:00p-1:00p
Event Summary:
This presentation will address common mistakes that are made when mechanically, biologically, or chemically managing algae or aquatic plants.
Event Description:
Management of aquatic vegetation species varies greatly from terrestrial plant management and has many unique considerations including water chemistry and water flow. This presentation will address common mistakes that are made when mechanically, biologically, or chemically managing algae or aquatic plants which may negatively impact a pond’s ecosystem or result in ineffective treatment. After covering mistakes, correct management practices will be outlined to ensure participants are armed with the knowledge to make informed management decisions regarding aquatic vegetation in the future.
Cost: $35.00
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Morgan Treadwell
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