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AT21-477 Webinar New Technology for an Old Fish – Understanding the Life History of the Alligator Gar in Texas

September 27, 2021 @ 6:15 PM - 8:00 PM

Webinar Title: New Technology for an Old Fish – Understanding the Life History of the Alligator Gar in Texas

AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)

Comments: AT21-477 Webinar New Technology for an Old Fish – Understanding the Life History of the Alligator Gar in Texas, Presenter: Dan Daugherty (AT=1h)

Webinar Date: 9/27/2021
Webinar Time: 6:15p-8:00p

Members may begin signing in at 6:15p. A short business meeting will begin at 6:30p and the presentation will begin at 7:00p.

Event Summary:
Meet the alligator gar.

Event Description:
Historically considered an undesirable species, the Alligator Gar has become increasingly popular among anglers in recent years, particularly in Texas. However, little was known of about the age, growth, habitat use, and movement of these fish – life history characteristics essential for science-based management. This presentation will highlight how scientists with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, in collaborations with university and governmental researchers, blended physics, chemistry, and biology to understand the life history of Alligator Gar using non-traditional approaches.

Cost: no charge

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no registration required
TMN Hill Country Chapter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Hill Country Chapter Members meeting
Time: Sep 27, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Sep 27, 2021 06:00 PM
Oct 25, 2021 06:00 PM
Nov 22, 2021 06:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZwofu-spj4oHdy9tuNqDqnA4GWaK1zjG1sG/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGgqzIsHtyQsh6PRpw-GYr4M-jxiCVBgqdExQvwLTF3cw3XYsV1M5kuCtL3

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Meeting ID: 885 9648 5278
Passcode: 540530
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Dan Daugherty
Dan is a senior fisheries scientist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Heart of the Hills Fisheries Science Center.

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Sponsoring Organization:
TMN Hill Country Chapter