Webinar Title: Aquatic Ecosystem Services: Benefits and Value to the Environment and Humans
AT-VMS: AT: TX Waters Certification Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-071 Webinar Aquatic Ecosystem Services: Benefits and Value to the Environment and Humans, Presenter: Melissa Felty (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 4/20/2022
Webinar Time: 6:30p-7:30p
Event Summary:
Benefits of Aquatic ecosystems.
Event Description:
Humans derive many benefits from aquatic ecosystems. These benefits are termed as ecosystem services. This presentation will review the four types of ecosystem services and how aquatic wildlife and plants provide valuable outcomes. Stewardship and conservation practices and partners will be shared to inspire the audience to create healthy community aquatic habitats.
Cost: no charge
Register @: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2188736645143037963
Melissa Felty, Conservation Education Manager at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Contact Information:
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
TPWD, Texas Waters Specialist