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AT22-138 Webinar Converting to Wildlife Management

February 24, 2022 @ 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM


Webinar Title: Converting to Wildlife Management

AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)

Comments: AT22-138 Webinar Converting to Wildlife Management, Presenter: get name (AT=1.25h)

Webinar Date: 2/24/2022
Webinar Time: 5:45p-7:00p

Event Summary:
Learn about Wildlife Exemption.

Event Description:
***Join Certified Wildlife Biologist and Registered Property Tax Consultant James Hall from 5:45-6:00 for an Early Bird Special, “How Spring Migration Affects Landowners”****

Learn if a Wildlife Exemption is right for you and your property and how to make the switch! This webinar will provide a basic understanding of the Wildlife Management property tax valuation, more commonly referred to as a “Wildlife Exemption”. It will cover the Wildlife Management law and requirements, how to qualify and how it works, examples of the seven wildlife activity categories, resources/tips for success, and how Plateau can assist to make the transition easy and stress free. Time will be provided at the end to address questions you may have about making the switch to a Wildlife Exemption from traditional Ag or Timber.

Presented by the wildlife exemption specialist at Plateau Land & Wildlife with over 20 years of experience working with landowners making the transition from traditional Ag and Timber to Wildlife.

Cost: no charge

Register @: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iiR2CIX1TFuUTLwAo6R4UA

Presenter: get name for VMS entry

Contact Information:

Organization Website:

Sponsoring Organization:
Plateau Land & Wildlife




February 24, 2022
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Category:
Event Tags:
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