Webinar Title: Rainwater Harvesting
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-276 Webinar Rainwater Harvesting, Presenter: get name (AT=2h)
Webinar Date: 6/16/2022
Webinar Time: 6:00p-8:00p
Event Summary:
Rainwater Harvesting Medium-Large Sdcale
Event Description:
Turn water scarcity into water abundance!
Rainwater harvesting can reduce stormwater runoff, lower your water bill and keep your garden green all year long. Join us to learn more about medium to large scale rainwater harvesting for residential and commercial applications. We’ll cover water catchment basics, tanks, filtration, pumps, codes, water budgeting, potential catchment volume calculations and designing water harvesting plans specific to our region.
Cost: no charge
Register @: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rainwater-harvesting-by-eco-centro-tickets-333752551867?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
This event is sold out buy you are able to join the waitlist.
get name for VMS entry
Contact Information:
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Eco Centro