Event Title: Volunteer Docent Training
VMS-AT: AT: Cibolo Nature Center (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT23-059 CCC: Volunteer Docent Training, Boerne, Presenter: Heather Austin (AT=3h)
Event Date: 2/09/2023
Event Time: 9:00a-12:00p
Event Summary:
Training volunteers on how to interact and lead with educational programs at CIBOLO.
Event Description:
Training will be provided on the following topics:
1.) Outdoor Education fieldtrips;
2.) Farmers Market Greeter;
3.) Visitor Center Host,
4.) Herff House History Docent,
5.) Nature Boxes that travel to local schools.
Cost: no charge
Register @: volunteer@cibolo.org
Event Location:
Cibolo Nature Center Auditorium
140 City Park Road
Boerne TX, 78006.
Heather Austin
Contact Information:
(830) 249-4616
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Cibolo Center for Conservation (CCC)