Event Title: Water and Land Stewardship
VMS-AT: AT: TX Waters Certification Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT23-334 Water and Land Stewardship, Junction, Presenters: Peter George, Steve Nelle, Meredith Allen (AT=3h)
Event Date: 11/11/2023
Event Time: 9:00a-12:30p
Event Summary:
Want to be a better steward of your water and land and keep our springs and rivers flowing? then learn about the geology of our local aquifers, the best land and stewardship to keep the natural water cycle flowing, and the laws governing groundwater and surface water.
Event Description:
Come listen to these experts:
Dr. Peter George, Senior Hydrologist, Collier Consulting, the firm that does KCGD’s groundwater availability study.
Steve Nelle, Natural Resource Specialist/Wildlife Biologist, retired NRCS
Meredith Allen, General Groundwater Manager for Kimble, Sutton, and Menard GWDs
Moderated panel presentations with Q&A
Cost: $10.00
Register @: https://llanoriver.org/workshop/
Registration closes 11/09/2023
Coke Stevenson Memorial Center
Junction, TX
Dr. Peter George
Steve Nelle
Meredith Allen
Contact Information:
Scott Richardson
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Llano River Watershed Alliance