Event/Webinar Title: Webinar Wildlife Diversity Series: New Topic Monthly
AT-VMS:AT: Texas Parks and Wildlife (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments:AT24-053 Webinar Wild Neighbors Speaker Series: Research & Conservation efforts in Texas, Presenter:
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Event Date: 01/17/2024
Event Time: 12:00p-1:00p
repeats with new topic 2/21, 3/20, 4/17,5/15,6/19,7/17,8/21, 9/18,
Event Summary:
This monthly webinar series highlights research and conservation efforts in Texas.
Event Description:
1/17 Automated detection of Black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Texas using satellite imagery, Presenter: Rachel Fern, Ph.D.
Statewide Wetland Program Leader Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
This webinar discusses a new deep learning model for fine-scale detection of Black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Texas in an open-source cloud platform.
2/21- Snake entanglement in erosion control materials, Presenter: Dr. Christopher Schalk
In road construction projects across the United States, erosion control methods (e.g., erosion control blankets), are mandated to stimulate seedbed regeneration and prevent soil loss. Previous reports have suggested that snakes are vulnerable to entanglement in erosion control blankets.
3/20 Restoration of spring habitat occupied by federally threatened Salado Salamanders
4/17 TBD
5/15 TBD
6/19 TBD
7/17 TBD
8/21 TBD
9/18 TBD
no charge
Event Location: webinar
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Contact Information: Jonah. Evans@tpwd.texas.gov
Organization Website: https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/wildlife_diversity/webinars/
Sponsoring Organization: TPWD