Event Title: Ned Talk: Game Warden Tales,Kerrville
VMS-AT:AT: Riverside Nature Center (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-072 Ned Talk: Game Warden Tales,Kerrville, Presenter:
Dustin Barrett (AT=1h)
Event Date: 02/20/2024
Event Time: 1:00p-2:00p
Event Summary:
Come hear the tales and exploits of a game warden.
Event Description:
Kerr County Game Warden, Dustin Barrett will join us for a talk on the responsibilities and field experiences of a game warden.
Cost: $5.00
Register @:
Event Location:
Riverside Nature Center
150 Francisco Lemos Street
Kerrville, Tx 78028
Dustin Barrett, Kerr Country Game Warden for 17 years
Contact Information:
Becky Etzler, director@riversidenaturecenter.org (830) 257-4837
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Riverside Nature Center